These are exercises that will be done during assessment week in order to familiarize devs with git. We will be using Git and Github for these exercises.
Go to your GitHub account, login, click on repositories then click new. At repository name field add hello-aca-github. Under description just add This is my first experience with git under ACA program. Leave it as public, then check the add readme file option. Finally click on create repository.
Click on “code” dropdown ****then clone (copy the link of) the remote repository to create a local repository on your dev machine.
Open your terminal and type git clone < copied*url**>***
Open VSCode, create an index.html file within the cloned directory (project folder) and add basic structure that prints “i love aca.” Then create JS and CSS folders with appropriate empty files(js and css files) inside. Add the changes in the working directory to the staging area.
Back in your terminal, check the state of the working directory and the staging area of any pending changes.
Commit changes with the appropriate messages, the message should briefly best describes the applied changes. Use present tense and imperative mood eg Modifies the calendar app header
Push the changes, this will take the committed in the local repository and uploads them to the remote repository.
Create a new branch called toggle_button_feature in your local repository
Navigate from branch main to branch toggle_button_feature. Add javascript and css code that creates a toggle button which when pressed it prints out “ACA just taught me about continuous integration and continuous deployment.” Repeat the steps Add, Status, Commit and Push but in the new branch (toggle_button_feature).
On your remote repository in the github interface, create a Pull Request to merge your toggle_button_feature branch to your main branch. Add this comment to the PR “This is my first PR in the ACA program”. Then complete the PR merge yourself.
Hosting server are facilities that holds built code (product) so it can be accessed by people on the internet. For this exercise we are going to use Heroku and in the future we will use other hosting platforms like Netlify, AWS, Azure etc
Buildpacks are scripts that are run when your app is deployed. They are used to install dependencies for your app and configure your hosting environment.
A continuous integration server also commonly called a build server is a centralized, stable and reliable environment for building distributed dev projects and help ensure quality of code and project with automated tests, reporting, code integrity etc You will know more as you progress in the program. For this we are going to use Circle CI. The config file has been provided for you. To get it up and running follow the steps below
On CircleCI dashboard click on the Project Settings for the Your App, and then click on Environment Variables.
On the Environment Variables page, create two variable named HEROKU_APP_NAME and HEROKU_API_KEY and give them their respective values as gotten from your Heroku dashboard.
To get your HEROKU_API_KEY, go to your Heroku Dashboard, click on Account Settings, then scroll down to the API Key section and click on Reveal to copy your API key.
HEROKU_APP_NAME is the name of your Heroku app.
Initial files and directory need at the root of the dev repo
# Use the latest 2.1 version of CircleCI pipeline process engine.
# See: <>
version: 2.1
heroku: circleci/heroku@1.2.6 # Invoke the Heroku orb
# Define a job to be invoked later in a workflow.
# See: <>
# Specify the execution environment. You can specify an image from Dockerhub or use one of our Convenience Images from CircleCI's Developer Hub.
# See: <>
working_directory: ~/repo
- image: cimg/node:12.16
# Add steps to the job
# See: <>
- checkout
- run:
name: Update NPM
command: "sudo npm install -g npm"
# Invoke jobs via workflows
# See: <>
version: 2
- build
- heroku/deploy-via-git: # Use the pre-configured job, deploy-via-git
- build
- main
<?php include_once("index.html"); ?>
Reference that might be useful:
Hosting server are facilities that holds built code (product) so it can be accessed by people on the internet. For this exercise we are going to use Vercel and in the future we will use other hosting platforms like Netlify, AWS, Azure etc
For now, you do not need to connect a git provider as we will not be connecting github to vercel. so select continue with email. Enter your email and verify your email address.
Create a vercel token that we will use to authenticate with when communicating with vercel.
Go to settings on the top right of the screen, select tokens and create a new token
Back on your terminal, install Vercel CLI
npm i -g vercel
Make sure you are in your repository’s root folder for the next steps
Lets Authenticate with vercel using the tokenn
vercel –token iZJb2oftmY4ab12HBzyBXMkp
This will create a .vercel folder with a project.json file
The project.json file should contain your vercel_org_id and vercel_project_id. We will need these later when we connect Circleci
A continuous integration server also commonly called a build server is a centralized, stable and reliable environment for building distributed dev projects and help ensure quality of code and project with automated tests, reporting, code integrity etc You will know more as you progress in the program. For this we are going to use Circle CI. The config file has been provided for you. To get it up and running follow the steps below
On CircleCI dashboard click on the Project Settings for the Your App, and then click on Environment Variables.
On the Environment Variables page, create two variable named VERCEL_TOKEN , VERCEL_ORG_ID and VERCEL_PROJECT_ID and give them their respective values as gotten from your Vercel and the project.json file from earlier.
Initial files and directory need at the root of the dev repo
version: 2.1
- image: cimg/node:20.5.0
- checkout
- run:
name: Install Vercel CLI
command: sudo npm install --global vercel@latest
- run:
name: Pull Vercel Environment Information
command: sudo vercel pull --yes --environment=preview --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
- run:
name: Build Project Artifacts
command: sudo vercel build --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
- run:
name: Deploy Project Artifacts to Vercel
command: sudo vercel deploy --prebuilt --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
- image: cimg/node:20.5.0
- checkout
- run:
name: Install Vercel CLI
command: sudo npm install --global vercel@latest
- run:
name: Pull Vercel Environment Information
command: sudo vercel pull --yes --environment=production --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
- run:
name: Build Project Artifacts
command: sudo vercel build --prod --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
- run:
name: Deploy Project Artifacts to Vercel
command: sudo vercel deploy --prebuilt --prod --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
version: 2
- preview_deployment:
ignore: /main/
- production_deployment:
only: /main/