Project Intro Github Quiz


Problem Statement

For the past cohorts, many candidates have been struggling with some tools that we use at ACA, like Git & Github. With the latter being at the heart of our workflow, It becomes hard to ship code in a timely manner.


Delays in shipping code due to insufficient knowledge on Git & Github


Git & Github a fundamental skills to your progress here at ACA. With you possessing this knowledge, together as a team, we will be able to achieve our vision of “shipping code”.


!!Important- Hint Keep a log of all your git commands during project development

First fork the repo

You are to individually build a quiz app with:

  • React
  • Typescript
  • No backend required
  • Figure out a way to save the quiz score
  • TDD is a bonus, but if you add TDD make sure to update the Circleci config
  • You are to work on the forked repo, do not commit to the repo shared here

The quiz app should have at least 50 questions Every question should cover a concept that was used in building the app. For example

Question 1

What is the git command that downloads your repository from GitHub to your computer?

A. git push

B. git commit

C. git fork

D. git clone

The concept covered by this question must/should be used in the development of the quiz.

At the end of the quiz, provide a summary of each question. i.e what the command was used for, why it was used and where it was used..

Deployment and Hosting Server


  • Submit the link to one of the leads, share the github repo URL with instructions on how to run the app.
  • NB: Your README should contain the link to your deployed app on heroku

!!Good Luck, the more the questions the more the points

Your Quiz might just be used as a benchmark for the coming cohorts

Useful Resources
