Engineering Residency Program

Bridging the gap between technical training and software engineering.

Featured Courses

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Orientation: Getting Ready

Let's gear up for the program! Take the time to meet your team and get ready to dive in. Prepare for an exciting journey ahead!

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Onboarding Week 1: Expectations and How To’s

We kick off our program with the first week of Onboarding with an opportunity to get to know your new team members and get familiar with our company and what we're all about.

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Onboarding Week 2: Pair Programming & Clean Code

We finally get to start coding. But first, we need to master some techniques and standards to not just know how to code but to code well. We'll learn to write Clean Code and Pair Programming.

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Onboarding Week 3: React / Test Driven Development

It may be counter-intuitive, but writing your tests before you write the code ensures you have fewer bugs and better tests! Welcome to TDD or Test Driven Development.

We're also getting our feet wet with the React framework for JavaScript all in one go.

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Onboarding Week 4: TypeScript & CI/CD

Building on your JavaScript skills we will introduce you to TypeScript! And finally, with all your coding done, it's got to get deployed somewhere! That's where Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment come in.


Startup Week

Time to change the world! We're going to get our founding teams together to and pitch our startup idea!


“Focus, discipline and passion are the ingredients needed to  achieving the impossible…”